A bad case of Spring Fever has taken hold of Athens College, both figuratively and literally. The weather is beautiful, warm and sunny, and students are busily preparing for the Panigyri this Saturday (the school's version of Spring Fling.) For weeks, I've seen groups of students practicing dance routines for the celebration, and this week they started selling t-shirts for the event in the Benakeio. Classes are missed for swimming and debate competitions, rehearsals, and various other events. Teachers desperately try to hold their students' attention as it is drawn towards the bright outdoors and thoughts of summer, and for the seniors, the ever-closer PanHellenic exams. Today, school started late and the schedule skips several periods to allow for the Delteia (an athletic competition) to take place, and the weather is cooperating beautifully. I can hardly blame the students' reaction to the weather, as it seems infinitely more suited to hammocks and day-dreaming than to academic thoughts of any kind.
To top it off, I have a head cold, or possibly an especially vehement protest by my allergies to the blooming trees and flowers. I'm not the only one sniffling and sneezing, but it makes me want to hide in a hole until this drippy, congested, and rather disgusting version of myself is replaced with my usual persistent good health. Until then, however, I'll make liberal use of my mom-supplied medicine cabinet.
To Spring, everybody!
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